PPGE/Unicamp Strategic Planning for 2021-2024
The Strategic Planning of PPGE/Unicamp is articulated with that of Unicamp (PLANES), which was recently completed. PLANES (available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tuq0y6G9wQTgRfYXL_rtk_6LkvpUeyfz/view and in an attached file) was prepared by a wide range of actors, linked to academic units and sectors. The coordination of PPGE/Unicamp participated in the internal stages of the Faculty of Education and in the final stages of PLANES, when the 13 strategic objectives were defined, based on a new strategic map for the institution. It used the result of the Institutional Assessment 2014-2018. Among the methodological advances, the definition of Indicators for each of its 13 strategic objectives stands out.
Unicamp's mission is to promote knowledge for a democratic, fair and inclusive university. PPGE/Unicamp has a strong affinity with this purpose and is in tune with Unicamp's vision of the future: to be a public university recognized for its excellence in teaching, production and dissemination of knowledge, committed to socio-environmentally sustainable development, with democracy and with social justice and respect for diversity.
In search of the development of policies and planning actions in line with the universities' planning, considering regional, national and international needs, the PPGE approaches the following institutional strategic objectives, which are grouped into results objectives for society and objectives of excellence in teaching, research and extension.
a) Promote innovation, culture and knowledge transfer, intensifying dialogic cooperation with public authorities and society, in line with the objectives of sustainable development.
In this sense, it takes as a reference its expertise in the development of projects with the community, working with external bodies, promoting artistic, cultural and scientific dissemination events, as well as offering extension courses. It will analyze the impacts, following these strategic indicators suggested by PLANES:
- % of projects with the community = number of projects developed with the community in the reference year/number of projects in the previous year;
- absolute number of professors/servants who are members of external bodies or on consultative commissions/public policy committees (per year);
- rate of participation in events by the external public = number of participants/places available (stratify artistic, cultural and scientific dissemination);
- event rate = total events in the reference year/total events in the previous year (* stratify into paid/free and artistic, cultural and scientific dissemination);
- participation rate in extension courses = number of participants/available places (stratify ethnic-racial and social profile, participants with scholarships/free of charge and type of course);
- rate of extension courses = number of extension courses in the reference year/number of extension courses in the previous year.
This objective and the related actions aim to promote the development of a policy to encourage innovation, knowledge transfer and social and academic impacts.
b. Develop a culture of interaction with graduates, contributing to the improvement of the university.
One of the important fronts of action of the PPGE/Unicamp for the next four years, in strategic terms, is the follow-up of graduates. This is a specific line of action of the Self-Assessment Project. From the point of view of broader institutional dialogue, efforts will be made to integrate and encourage interaction platforms with graduates, in addition to promoting curricular updating based on the records, trajectories and professional paths of graduates.
This objective and respective actions aim to promote the development of a policy to encourage curricular innovation.
c. Have up-to-date, flexible, student-centered curricula that use technological resources and incorporate extracurricular, co-curricular and extension activities at all levels of education.
The curriculum of the PPGE-Unicamp courses is not organized into compulsory subjects, with research training in the lines of research being its main locus. In other words, the centrality of the student in his/her training path is evident, but it needs to be better structured and evaluated, having as parameters the updating and curricular flexibility - through non-disciplinary activities - as well as the careful analysis of the use of learning mediated by educational technologies .
This objective and respective actions seek to promote the development of a policy to encourage curricular innovation, transfer of knowledge and academic impacts.
d. Increase the visibility of teaching programs at all levels, so that more students are attracted to Unicamp's training experience.
PPGE/Unicamp is a program that attracts students from various regions of Brazil. Its teaching staff is highly qualified. The articulation with this institutional strategic objective refers to the internationalization, both of students from other countries, particularly from the South-South axis, as well as the internationalization of curricula and training paths, with the development of activities linked to collaborative research networks with universities and the expansion of the participation of foreign visiting professors.
This objective and respective actions aim to promote the development of a policy to encourage curricular innovation and academic and social impacts.
e. Promote integrated research in order to assume the leading role in the face of the challenges of contemporary society.
One of the challenges of PPGE-Unicamp is to expand and consolidate national and international research networks with the participation of a greater number of professors and students. In each of the program's nine lines of research, there is at least one project of this nature under development. With this goal in mind, the expected actions are the qualification of scientific production, especially with international projection, and the expansion of agreements and research projects in collaborative networks.
This objective and respective actions aim to promote the development of a policy to encourage innovation, transfer of knowledge and social and academic impacts.
Specific PPGE-Unicamp projects: self-assessment highlighted
The size of the PPGE/Unicamp, its diversity and democratic policy to guarantee the best conditions for carrying out postgraduate work end up necessitating a continuous self-assessment on the ways to achieve the expected results.
With the set of challenges presented above, the Strategic Planning of PPGE/Unicamp will be strongly supported and subsidized by the self-assessment proposal, seeking new – more integrated – ways to generate and collect data and information at the university, and even to go further, better evaluating the impacts of their missions. This proposal includes both the research carried out and the graduated students, among several other topics, which involves research in evaluation, self-evaluation, strategic planning and others, aiming to enable us to know each other better and to be able to strategically plan our policies and actions, but also more directly and effectively accountable to society.
The PPGE self-assessment is based on a “tributary project of the larger plan of the program, its systematization brings to light the signed commitments and allows updating readings about advances, setbacks, vulnerabilities and powers considering a historically demarcated timeline that crosses wills, wants and powers” (Project, 2021, p. 1). Its principles are: co-management and self-government, political and pedagogical praxis, and participatory accountability and social control.
Self-assessment, a transversal action in strategic planning, is an opportunity to advance the academic improvement of the program and its international consolidation.
PPGE's Strategic Planning will aim at several objectives that are common to Unicamp's PLANES. In addition to these, it intends to expand, strengthen and consolidate its international insertion, expand the processes of teacher and student evaluation, in addition to knowing the training paths and professional trajectories of graduates of the program, as explained above. The topics related to student and graduate assessment are detailed in the following items.
1. Systematic policy for teacher evaluation
Since the 1990s, PPGE/Unicamp has been adopting a systematic policy of teacher evaluation, through accreditation, monitoring and re-accreditation of program professors. In 2012, this evaluation policy took on a more organic dimension. An important feature of the evaluation policy in the PPGE is the promotion of an evaluation culture that values the formative and collective dimensions; that is, a culture of evaluation based on the idea that individual contributions are fundamental to participation in the collective.
In this sense, monitoring the performance of professors in the Graduate Program and their academic production goes beyond the establishment of a selective (and excluding) dynamic of access and permanence in the program, supported by only quantitative indicators. The most positive result of this policy, which is now quite clear, is the gradual appropriation, by the professors, of values and evaluation procedures, understood as part of their participation in a collective project – the PPGE at Unicamp.
More recently, it has focused on the specific assessment of the formative curricular dynamics – the subjects and the guidance/research activities. In the first half of 2020, a questionnaire was applied to teachers, through digital means, so that they could evaluate the subjects they had taught that semester. The instrument, with open questions, was prepared by a special group established within the scope of the Graduate Commission, including students. Based on the answers obtained, the group prepared a new questionnaire with closed questions and applied it to the professors who taught subjects in the second half of 2020. Although the reasons that justified the preparation and application of this digital questionnaire were associated with the Covid-19 health crisis. 19 and, as a consequence, the adoption of emergency remote teaching in graduate studies, their results highlighted the importance of its systematic application among professors. The still relative resistance on the part of professors in answering the questionnaire on the development of their disciplines highlights the opportunity to institutionalize this instrument, including as part of the process of monitoring and evaluating teaching in graduate studies and strengthening a culture of formative evaluation. and collective. It also shows that the evaluation culture is under construction and not consolidated, that is, there is still much to be invested in this direction.
As for communication between professors and the coordination of the PPGE, we highlight its continuous improvement in recent years, greatly favored by the reformulation of the program, which has been organized, since 2010, into lines of research. Currently, the coordinators of the program's research lines have contributed to facilitating this two-way communication: taking the demands of the program coordination to the professors who are part of their respective lines, as well as bringing their demands and suggestions regarding the program from these colleagues. This communication, now more decentralized and participatory, which relies on the coordination of lines as channels for the verbalization of demands, has given both greater agility to the daily routine of the program, as well as a closer monitoring of the professors, which undoubtedly has an effect on the broader evaluation process.
In this context, teacher assessment should be scaled on three fronts: teaching, research and guidance.
People in charge:
It will be under the responsibility of the coordination of the PPGE and will have the contribution of professors and students of the Graduate Commission.
Action strategies:
1. Discussion and improvement of the proposal with CPG and APG;
2. Development, analysis and improvement of teacher assessment instruments;
3. Systematization of data and public presentation to the PPGE faculty;
4. Projection of future actions collectively;
5. Joint analysis of all information collected;
6. Requalification of the PPGE-Unicamp secretariat to work with the evaluation.
Goal 1: Qualitatively evaluate the work of 100% of the PPGE teachers.
Indicators: Teaching: discipline approach and contribution to training; relationship between professors and students; relation to the line of research. Research: contribution to the entirety of the PPGE; relationship with the training of the advisees. Orientation: dilemmas, solutions and successful experiences to be shared collectively.
Evaluation: the actions and objectives of the project will be evaluated every six months.
2. Training of researchers for teaching
Objectives: Discuss the challenges of university teaching and encourage participatory methodologies as resources for the critical and civic education of students. Share innovative experiences of pedagogical practices, which allow the explanation of the concepts of education and teaching involved. Establish interfaces with undergraduate teaching activities
Actors involved: professors and graduate students, graduate and undergraduate coordinators, Space to Support Teaching and Learning of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies at UNICAMP, external guests
Action strategies:
1. Conversation with experts from university pedagogy and institutional bodies on the expansion of places for learning about teaching, in addition to the activities of the PED/PAD Program;
2. Studies on the creation of a discipline on Higher Education Didactics;
3. Holding of webinars on the topic involving other programs; holding workshops; EA support demands 2.
Targets: 25% of incoming students involved in specific subject and PED programs per year; 10% of teachers enrolled in at least one training activity.
Indicators: enrollments carried out; production of innovative teaching material; participants' narratives.
Term: 4 years
3. Expansion of the international insertion of students and professors of the PPGE/Unicamp
Internationalization has been the focus of discussions, sometimes polarized, relating, for example, to the contribution of the field of Education to facing Brazilian educational problems or thematizing what would be the impact of intellectual work on society.
In other dimensions, it is permeated by the dialogue of academic production and by the possibility of creating alternatives to the hegemony of the English language, expressed in questions about why and for whom we do research and, especially, publish its processes and results. It is a fact that this discussion is crossed by the social responsibility of researchers in the field of Education.
The insertion of the PPGE in CAPES-PRINT expanded the range of internationalization actions, analyzing the potential, via lines of research, of putting research/researchers in debate with different researches/researchers. Working together, among the lines of research, we chose the privileged interlocutors and we will discuss the emphasis, which has been consensual in the area, of thinking about national and regional problems with countries with which we have similar social and educational problems.
Both the CAPES-Print committee and the PPGE/Unicamp Internationalization Committee are careful to implement measures to value and select internationalization activities, especially through internal funding notices for the program such as those published by the Dean of Research from Unicamp or the University's International Relations Division.
People in charge: Coordinating Committee of CAPES-Print Projects and Internationalization Committee, advisors of CPG-PPGE/Unicamp.
Audience: permanent professors and students.
Goal 1: Establish collective internationalization projects, organized by research lines.
Goal 2: Institutionally articulate, at Unicamp, participation in broader internationalization actions and
projects that contribute to strengthening the university in its purposes and objectives within this theme.Indicators:
1. Presence and engagement of research groups;
2. Academic collaboration agreements in collective research networks.
3. Joint publications with foreign researchers (teachers or students);
4. Obtaining funding from national and international agencies;
5. Cotutelas;
6. Shared guidance;
7. Teaching publication of at least two articles in international journals in the period and participation in at least one collective project with international collaboration.
8. Participation of PPGE students in sandwich internships and in research exchanges with other research and postgraduate centers abroad.
9. New CNPq Research Productivity Scholars.
Evaluation: the actions and objectives of the project will be evaluated biennially